Other Sections

Basic Text Section One

This is a basic text section that is created without any additional section classes. You can use this sort of section as a template if you want to create your own content section types.

The layout of this section is defined by the Bootstrap grid structure, and is split into two paragraph columns for better legibility.

Basic Text Section Two

This is a basic text section that is created without any additional section classes. You can use this sort of section as a template if you want to create your own content section types. This text section is a full twelve columns.

Client Section

Screen Call to Action

Content Carousel

Primary Section

This is an example of a primary section.

Success Section

This is an example of a success section.

Info Section

This is an example of a info section.

Warning Section

This is an example of a warning section.

Danger Section

This is an example of a danger section.

Dark Section

This is an example of a dark section.

Lighter Section

This is an example of a lighter section.

Unstyled Section

This is an example of an unstyled section.